Monday, March 8, 2010
Expectations ...
1. Be close to God, let Him do what He planned for us.
2. Love your friends for what they are ...
3. Be happy with what you have and always thank God for what He has given you.
4. Don't think of the depth of the relation you maintain with your loved ones; the more you think ..the more you expect
5.Always say sorry if you hurt others in anyway and accept the fact that you are not perfect!
6. Never be open (I know you wont agree with this ...Sorry its my opinion).
7. Whenever you get hurt keep a smile on your face and just close your eyes for a moment
8. Accept the fact that you are a human being and so we will expect ...but we can hide and gradually that removes your pain.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
And the Script goes on ...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Night at the Beach....A Travelogue...
As we started taking pictures, few people came around. And there was a big discussion about what it was, like... is it a jelly fish or anything like that???.When the crowd became a hindrance to our expeditions, we just left the place hoping that it was still alive and would go back to its home deep in the ocean.
Quotes of the Day
"It is not what happens to you that counts, it is how you react to what happens to you, especially when you have unexpected problems of any kind."
(From a Magazine that was found at the hospital )
The Script.........
Today I saw a Malayalam movie called “Thirakatha”(The Script) by Ranjith .One of the good movies I have ever seen.The story of an actress and her life .The story begins with the flashback of her life and her death??.Even though she had a lot of friends and colleagues, no one knows her completely. The script of her life is unknown.That made me think like this...
Does anyone think about the script of one's life ????.Till now...even I didn't give much importance to that. If something happens, I prefer to give it a name that matches the word 'fate'. The truth is .... we all are playing a lot of characters in our life. The characters which never coincide. Just many of us know a person’s entire life? No one..Usually we empathize with our friends when something happens to them ..or we will be just a part of their happiness. But can we say that I know him fully? Or I know his life? Even though we feel like saying yes I know...the truth is ...No ..Because ..we are destined to play only the roles that are given to us ..that too in a particular time. Sometimes it may be the happiness part of your friends' life or it may be the sad part or a part that lies between these two phases of their lives .
When time changes...people or your friends also change. Can we call anyone... our 'Best Friend'. The answer is unfortunately a big “No”.Till now ....I also had this wrong notion about the word “Best Friend”. How can a single person be your Best Friend? He wont be there with you for the entire life . He is destined only for a short span .After that... your circumstance chooses another person for you ...and from that onwards you will again say he is my best friend .That's life and its Script ....As one of my friends says “ A planned Script”. The Script that is not open. The one which is time bounded ..It gets opened only when the correct time arrives . No one ever gets the full Script of your life, except you, and that too at the end! What a Mystery.......!!!!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Old Age!! that a curse???
I happened to meet an aged couple on the road .They appeared to be in a hurry.
He was shivering, yet appeared strong enough to hold the hand of his wife who seemed to be more tired.
I wondered why they had to be all by themselves, at those odd hours in such a crowded place.
I felt so sad for them.
Do they have children ?? and grand children?!! if so where are they ????
Must be busy with their chores!!
I used to love my grandpa so much and cherished those wonderful moments I had with him, with his endless collection of stories,
full of fantasies and myths, which I can never forget as long as I live.
Got a lot more to write, about those and my other fantasies, and my dreams and my quest in search of what I dream ....
........may be I need some more time to weave it together into a story........ .so ...see u soon