Saturday, September 6, 2008

Old Age!! that a curse???

I happened to meet an aged couple on the road .They appeared to be in a hurry.
He was shivering, yet appeared strong enough to hold the hand of his wife who seemed to be more tired.
I wondered why they had to be all by themselves, at those odd hours in such a crowded place.

I felt so sad for them.

Do they have children ?? and grand children?!! if so where are they ????
Must be busy with their chores!!

I used to love my grandpa so much and cherished those wonderful moments I had with him, with his endless collection of stories,
full of fantasies and myths, which I can never forget as long as I live.

Got a lot more to write, about those and my other fantasies, and my dreams and my quest in search of what I dream ....
........may be I need some more time to weave it together into a story........ .so ...see u soon


linuxblogger said...
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linuxblogger said...

According to me, old age brings in wisdom, experience and maturity that will prepare us to be content with our limitations and difficulties. What may look like hell for us may not be the same for the old since its our frame of mind which makes us feel so. That said, there is no denying the homeless or the ones who do not have their children beside they deserve much better attention and love. Ultimately we will all will be there to know what it is first hand thats the truth.

Thoughts of an Idiot said...

My view point is different...I see them as a happy couple who are lucky to have each other even at this age...It is something great to have ur partner with u to hold ur hand when u r walking even at that age.....there are many who walk their life alone and aloof after having lost their thank God for that!!